Butler Automatic Web Splicers increase efficiency and output by eliminating roll change downtime. Often, a Butler splicer can pay for itself in under a year.
Ideal for VFFS processes like Pouches, Bags, Bundles and Flow Wrap
Handles rolls up to 18” in diameter
Parts & Service
Butler Automatic has a comprehensive Parts & Service Department to ensure your Butler machines are always running at peak performance.
Our Parts Department stocks a large inventory in our Boston and Geneva locations. For assistance, please contact our Parts Specialist at 774-419-3262 or email parts@butlerautomatic.com
Our Service Department has trained service technicians located in the US and Geneva to offer technical support on site or via telephone technical support. Please contact our Service Specialist at 774-419-3253 or email service@butlerautomatic.com
For Global Quality concerns, please contact us by email at quality@butlerautomatic.com